What Is Network?
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Before talking about networking, we need to see what a network is. You can think of a network as a collection of connected devices. A network can contain many devices that can connect to each other and share what they need.
Devices in networks are the computers, phones, cables, ... to connect and communicate. It also includes wireless routers to connect wirelessly. servers, It also includes hardware such as switches and printers. So using the darn things to connect and communicate with each other can be called networking. The connected network is called a network.
Then I would like to add a little bit about why I do networking. These facts are a reason for those who are going to stand as a hacker to clearly understand how they attack. If you want to become a hacker, you can't just look at what is in some places. You need to understand why. So you can go to the How to side. Even if you don't understand these words now, you will someday.
When we look back at the history of the first computer network, we can see that it started when it was first created for the US military in the late 1950s, and it has gradually progressed to this day. ARPANET, abbreviated to the Advanced Research Projects Agency Network, which emerged in 1969, was the earliest packet-switched network in world history. ARPA (Advanced Research Project Agency), which developed this, is a part of the US Department of Defense.
The rivalry between the United States and the Soviet Union during the Cold War. Due to geopolitical tensions, networking was developed in an effort to maintain communication lines in the event of a nuclear attack. This creation was initiated because of better network connectivity than traditional centralized control systems.
When performing traditional connections, we use a direct connection method called a directory connection. So when targeted and attacked, the path may be interrupted. In ARPANET technology, packet-switching technology is used, and because it has the ability to change the path in the network, it has become a more resilient form of communication. (Packet-switching technology is still used)
In addition, because the TCP/IP protocol suite was created and used, sending information, I was able to draw up rules for acceptance and then became a standard for interoperability between different devices.
Therefore, it can be said that the development of the Internet that we use today is due to his efforts to solve the challenges of communication according to the conditions of his time. Everything about the internet age is obvious. If I have to go back to what I said earlier, let me tell you about the purposes for which networking is used.
By using networking technology, we can share files, documents and various other data with other devices connected to the network. Printers and storage devices can be shared, so resources are saved. Emails, messages, video calls & voice calls are also available. We use these almost every day. These are the consequences of using networking, and they are using networking to do these things.
The technology that connects and communicates as a network is called networking. The network that includes such connected devices is called a network. Networks can be divided into 3 types according to the connection conditions. LAN, MAN, WAN.
LAN : Local Area Network. It is a small network that can communicate only within the Local Area using devices that can connect to the network in an area. For example - all the computers in an office can connect to the same printer of that office. If it's not too obvious, a house or an office, Or all the devices that are connected simultaneously under a WiFi in a shop are included in the LAN. (even though they are connected to the internet) so they can communicate internally under the same IP class. But I can't contact them from other networks. To illustrate again, let's say I created a local site from my computer using apache2 web service. The site can be viewed by devices that are using the same WiFi as me. However, those who are connected to any other line will not be able to open it.
MAN : It's called the Metropolitan Area Network. A large network that includes many LAN-like networks. (Not as big as WAN)
WAN : Wide Area Network. The biggest network. The international network that we are using now is the WAN. In terms of hacking, there is not much problem for LAN attack, but for WAN, related technologies have to be added. (I have written a book about practical example attacks called "The First Step Towards Hacking". It is the most complete book for beginners among the hacking books I have written.)
Networks can be divided into 2 types based on their architecture and purpose. Client-server network and Pear to Pear (P2P) network. At the moment, I don't want to talk about this in detail. I think it might be boring if you keep saying this.