Steps of Hacking
Steps for Hacking
When doing hacking, black and white are not the same as the steps used to do it. There are usually more steps when doing pentesting. There are steps you must go through when hacking for any purpose. In this book, we will only discuss the steps that must be done.
1. Reconnaissance (Information Gathering/Footprinting)
This step is important when hacking. The more information you can gather, the closer you will be to success. Let's say we target a company. We can't do anything without knowing their information.
Their website, structure, the computers they use, systems, apps, Those who are vulnerable in their company. Need to know etc. There are things you can do from the Internet when you are looking for such information, and you can also find and collect it yourself. Always remember that the more information you gather, the more likely you are to succeed.
Active Footprinting and Passive Footprinting methods can be used to collect such information. In such collection, the relevant organization's sensitive information, contact addresses The systems they are using services, domain info, DNS & NX records, The information of the employees in the organization is important. For example, the administrator password can be the name of the dog born in the admin's house.
2. Scanning

The first stage is the scanning stage based on the information obtained in the Reconnaissance (or) Information Gathering (or) Footprinting stage. At this level, it's not an attack situation at all. (However, in some countries, scanning without permission is a crime)
The main mission of the scanning phase is to find vulnerabilities based on the information found. to identify attack vectors. The information obtained from this can be used to attack at the next level. Vulnerability scanning, Port scanning, Network Mapping, etc. can be done in the sanning phase.
(In this book, let me tell you only a few concepts. If you want to know the full details, you can download and read the book called Basic Hacking Techniques free pdf on the My Books page)
3. Gaining Access

This step is the exploit step. Also called Exploitation Phase. This is the stage where you attack the target system and try to gain access. If the access you get is just for normal use, trying to get higher level access is also included in this level. Escalating the privileges you have is called privilege escalation.
In this book, these topics are mentioned only in summary, but in order to understand the meaning, we will proceed with practicals in the later chapters. (If you want to know the full details, you can download and read the book called Basic Hacking Tehniques free pdf from My Books page)
4. Maintaining Access

This step is the step that can be continued only after the previous step is successful. We have successfully logged into a system. Once you get what you need, you won't always be in the system alone. This means that it has been created in advance to make it easy to log in so that when you need to log back into the system in the future, you can easily log back in.
Backdoors, Trojans, Rootkits, Reverse Shells and other forms of malware can be used to create this. Then, the next time you want to go back into it, you will be able to enter directly without having to go through each step.
I would like to tell you about my experience when I came into an Ubuntu Machine (VPS) that was used as a server. When I got to the administrator (root) terminal, I opened an Acc with the CEO name of the com and set it as a super user.
khitminnyo@aio:~$ useradd michaelThe command to open a new account with the name michael.
khitminnyo@aio:~$ passwd michaelSet password for Acc named michael. In order to set it up, you will be asked to type the same 2 passwords. (When you type the password on the command line, there is nothing on the screen for security. You have to type what you have to type yourself and press enter. When you get to the password input area, they come and ask you that the keyboard is not working. It is not actually working. It is not shown on the screen because of security.)
khitminnyo@aio:~$ usermod -aG sudo michaelI am adding the acc named michael to the group that will use sudo (super user access).
Then we can access the newly created new user named michael with the assigned password. You can also use sudo access. (If VPS is not yes, you need to start the ssh service automatically)
khitminnyo@aio:~$ sudo systemctl enable ssh< /span>Autostart the ssh service. If the firewall needs to allow, you can request the firewall to open the ssh port using the following command.
khitminnyo@aio:~$ sudo ufw allow ssh< /span>Then the firewall will allow the port where the ssh service runs. I put the command here so that I can read it again when needed. For those who are already familiar with Linux commands, these may already be familiar.
5. Clearing Track
This point is clear. No hacker wants to get caught. That's why you have to erase your traces that may be left in the system. Another thing is that as long as the system administrator doesn't know we're there, he can do things in the system.
It means the better you don't know. If you find out, at least you can close the path. And trying to log in again won't be easy.
Therefore, deleting logs that would reveal that we were in the system, such as modifying registry values, If there are any applications that have been installed while entering the system, delete them. It means doing things like deleting folders that have been created.
Now we know the basic concepts that we should know, so we can continue to study.
Thank you for reading here.