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If we forgot Kali's Login Password, How to reset it

If you forgot your Kali Linux's Login Password ...

It is a very bad thing forget Kali's login password for those who would like to become a hacker. But... actually, there are people who have forgotten that. That's why I wrote this article.

Suppose you have forgotten your login password. Restart your Kali system. (It's the same if you installed Kali in VirtualBox or VMWare.)

Press e immediately when the GRUB boot menu appears because we need to edit.

When the Edit Menu appears, use the arrow keys on your keyboard to go to the line which starts with Linux and go to ro. The default is ro (Read Only). It must be corrected rw (Read and Write)

After changing ro to rw, go to behind the splash at the end of that like and press space.

Continue filling init=/bin/bash as shown in the picture. After that, you can press Control+x from the keyboard and exit.

After a while, you will see the root terminal as above.

Enter passwd username and change password. New password must be typed correctly 2 times. You will not see anything on the screen while typing the password. Type what needs to be typed and enter. (If you don't know the username, you will have to change the password of the root account. passwd root. For this, you will need to have root login enabled in Kali.)

Then restart. The reboot and poweroff commands don't work at this point. You can also press Control+Alt+Del. In VirtualBox or VMWare, there is also a menu that adds Ctrl+Alt+Del. Those who have Kali only (or) Dual boot press Ctrl+Alt+Del.

After that, when you get to the login screen as usual, you can log in with the new password you just changed.

You can log in with your new password. If you forget your password, you can reset it, but it's best not to forget it.

Thank you for reading here...

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