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How DNS Works

How DNS Works

We already know what a domain name is. We already know that DNS (Domain Name System) resolves domain names into IP addresses. Now let's learn how DNS works. When we enter an internet address in the browser, the browser is still not able to connect to anywhere. To get the IP address he needs to communicate with, he can do the DNS Resolution Process. When we type in the browser, behind the scenes the browser performs a DNS lookup. When we find a book we want in a very large library, it is similar to checking with the librarian. Libraries usually have an index that shows which books are on which shelf. This is the first step to translate where the server of the website we want to be (Server IP) is. The index is called the root server.

And the previously mentioned TLDs (.com, .org, ...) that are hosted like books arranged on a bookshelf are called TLD Nameservers. For example, if there are many bookshelves, if there are political books, on which shelf will they be? If it's science books, which shelf will it be on? History books host TLDs on which stage, etc.

The last stop of the DNS query is the Authoritative Nameserver. He is like a dictionary book on a bookshelf. He can provide the meaning of a word we want to know in the dictionary, and he can take the book recommended by the DNS Recursor (librarian) and return the IP address needed for the DNS Request from the DNS Recursor.

To summarize all these steps, first we want to open (any word we want to know) to open it in the browser (Dictionary book that needs to be translated) DNS Recursor (Librarian) can start the search. He looks at the root nameserver index and finds out which TLD Nameserver is on which bookshelf.

When you get to the TLD Nameserver bookshelf, you will find the Authoritative Name Server Dictionary book. We can find the meaning of the word we want to find in it, and we can translate the IP address we want in the authoritative nameserver, so when we give the IP address, the browser can communicate using the IP address it got.

Ref: Cloudflare

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