Hack Like Mr. Robot (Realistic Hacking - Small Course)

Course Fee (35,000Ks Only)
Mr. We will discuss based on the Robot Series.
So I will talk about how to hack the main concepts. Where there are hardware requirements, I will tell you as much as possible.
It is a small course that will be studied together with some Mov scenes.
Although I had planned to do a Zoom class, due to the problem of electricity, I will have to use Google Classroom.
I will post at least 3 songs a week. It will take a month. I don't know how many tracks will be released yet. At the very least, all of the video tutorials can take about 7-10 hours.
It could be even longer than that. (The first lesson will be posted on 3.11.2022)
If you study this course, you need to know Hacking Basic. It will be convenient for AiO trainees, and for those who have never studied one, it is provided as a free PDF on my blog
I have read 2 books called "Easy Learning Basic Hacking Techniques" and "Hacking Second Grade" books.
If you haven't read it yet (don't have the book yet), get it here. ==> https://www.khitminnyo.com/p/my-books.html
I would like to make a special reservation that this course is not a foundation course. This is a course that tells you how to hack and then makes you know the method.
Although there is practical demonstration, the main purpose of the course is to know the concepts. When it comes to the real world, these methods will help you a lot.
I accept the above points. Join if you are really interested. Due to copyright issues, we have to study together with scenes that cannot be uploaded to YouTube.
If you want to join this, read above conditions. If you can accept above conditions,
Training Fee = 35,000Ks Only. (Acc Name = U Kyaw Win Hlaing)
If you transfer the course fee to K Pay or Wave Account 09 799 535 021 and send a screenshot, you can get it.
The places to send the screenshot are as follows. Click on the link to send.
1. Contact via Facebook Page Messenger
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