What is L3MON ?
L3MON is an android hacking framework in the simplest terms. Available on Github, it's a free framework.
Features of L3MON
- GPS Logging
- Microphone Recording
- View Contacts
- SMS Logs
- Send SMS
- Call Logs
- View Installed Apps
- View Stub Permissions
- Live Clipboard Logging
- Live Notification Logging
- View WiFi Networks (logs previously seen)
- File Explorer & Downloader
- Command Queuing
- Built-In APK Builde
Install if you interested.
In l3mon Install Dependencies, The main is NodeJs.
If we don't have npm installed in our Kali, we need to install npm. Copy the first command below and type it in the terminal.

Installing PM2
Another requirement to run the app is pm2. Kali doesn't come with it yet, so install it with the following command.

L3MON Installation
Copy the following 4 lines of code and paste it in Terminal and press Enter.
Note that those using an ISP that blocks Github may need a VPN. To find out if it is closed, open a browser and go to github.com first.
If you can open it, you don't need it. If you don't have it, you need it.

If it is no error, you can continue this step.

Type following command to make pm2 auto-boot at server restart.

If you can see like that, it is ok. But, still need to configure. So, stop pm2.

After stopping, you need md5 with lowercase letters to setup the password
Open another terminal and echo -n “Your Password” | You can change md5 to md5sum.

I pw 12345. Just remember pw. You have to copy the received md5 and configure it. If you log in, you have to use pw, not md5.
If you understand, copy the md5 value (after - no) as shown in the picture and close the damn terminal. Then enter L3MON/server in the Terminal and type the following (in place of nano, you can use any text editor you like. e.g. mousepad, leafpad, gedit, ...)

Then, Open browser in Kali.

APK Building
After login, you can build apk.

Make sure to add IP and port, and build.
Then download it. Send that apk file to the target and ask them to install it.

Below you will find the things you can do.

GPS Information

Contact Info

Call Logs

SMS Manager

WIFI Manager

Installed Applications

File Explorer
